Who, me?


Compliments make me feel like a fish on a bicycle; however, it’d be a slight of hand (or slight of character) not to humbly accept the following awards, giving credence to the crazy folks who chose me. So…

Wayward Spirit and Dutifully Broken have simultaneously nominated me for the Beautiful Blogger Award. Double whammy!

I’m most excited to choose my own seven nominees! But first…

The Rules:
1. Copy the Beautiful Blogger Award logo and place it in your post.
2. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
3. Tell 7 things about yourself.
4. Nominate 7 other fellow bloggers for their own Beautiful Blogger Award, and comment on their blogs to let them know.

7 Things About Me

1. I have traveled to and/or lived in 49 of the United States. These journeys both strengthened and weakened my perception of the US as a ‘first world’ country. The South wins for kindness and fried okra; the North wins for breathtaking autumns and manic braniacs; the East wins for dynamic landscapes and resilient people; and the West — well, it holds my heart.

2. Speaking of places I’ve lived: a mental institution. I’m neither proud nor ashamed of that fact. I came out of the five-day experience with a deepened conviction that most “crazy” people are simply the ones who got a little too close to reality at some point, and understood the implications of it just a little too well. Then again, I too went crazy once — so what do I know.

3. I declined a full ride scholarship with my music at a great school out of state to attend an ivy league university instead; during that intense schooling, I double majored in Psychology and Philosophy. One semester shy of graduating, I withdrew and started a family. The reason still escapes me. I’ll finish my degrees… Someday.

4. I have a debilitating problem with untextured cotton. I’m serious. If you don’t like me, all you’ve got to do is come after me with a cotton ball. It makes me puke — literally; I can’t even use q-tips. The sensation of it sends phobic-chills down my spine. I’ve been this way since infancy. Embarrassing and inexplicable. I’m a whackjob.

5. I was vegetarian for five years. Now (five years later) I fish, hunt, and clean (prepare) the meat with my own hands. That’s why I avoided meat for so long; mass production of consumer-ready animal products is atrocious. Don’t look into it unless you’re prepared for a big life change. It will haunt you.

6. I studied martial arts for 13 years (total), and I once used roller skates (quads, not blades) instead of my car. For almost a full year, I roller skated my way to work, the store, the park, the doctor, etc. I miss it. But since I can’t exactly skate my litter of children to school, practicality wins.

7. My favorite color is yellow. I’ll settle for any color, however, when it comes to my tennis shoes — as long as they’re fluorescently colored. Some women collect Gucci; I collect rainbows.

And now…

I Nominate These 7 Blogs

1. SprinklinThoughts He ain’t heavy; he’s my brother. Love acquires a new dimension every time this spiritual creature gets out of bed in the morning. With or without his coffee, he can dumbfound, endear, and motivate your every last inhibition. I learned how to swim in these waters.

2. Travis the Traveler Kindred spirit. His machete-mind slices through every last preconceived notion like a dagger of discernment, and yet has the purest voice of reason. He’s humble, yet brilliant. Truth can cut you gently; he’s proof.

3. Thomas Ross There’s a mysterious human being with intergalactic abilities of understanding; I found myself fortunate enough to have been his brief — yet sharp — point of focus. It left me breathless. It doesn’t take much for him to capture your spirit, your attention, and your respect.

4. Jennifer Stuart The only thing missing is a complimentary holographic latte. Otherwise, this blog is supremely reminiscent of utopia, in cyber-earth. (Well, a virtual massage might be nice too, but you can only demand so much from divinity.) She is a bohemian spirit with bodacious, bright-eyed thought processes. An inspired human being.

5. Alarna Rose Gray If my heart were to break in an unrecoverable way, I would turn to this woman and find out what she had to say. Her pulse comes from the expansion of the universe.

6. The Girl in the Hat Her ideas have their own poetry. Her brain will bring you back to life; have writer’s block? Her words can fix that. Ever find yourself stifled by the monotonies of day to day living? I often take my breaks from reality here. She’s cool people.

7. Dana Fuhrman The world is not as small as you might think. For example, this lady has been to far away lands and has done the most breathtaking things; and yet, she is merely a woman with the very same human nature to which the rest of us (less enlightened) creatures often succumb. She inspires and challenges me.

About Brandy Desiree

"Call on me, and I will show you great and unsearchable things you do not know." --Jeremiah 33:3 I am a seeker. A lover. A doer. A thinker. I make music, I dance often, and I laugh. It's all hilarious, really. Everything. Look around you. My children teach me a lot about life. I have five boys, and yes I'm out of my mind. It works for me though; I think this world could honestly use just a little more crazy. A lot of humanity's problems could be solved by everybody taking themselves a little less seriously. I'm grateful and alive; a constantly evolving creature, thankful for the sunshine and just as thankful for the rain... Visit my corner of the universe and share yourself! My heart could implode with welcome for you.

16 responses »

  1. So happy to see that award on your blog!!! You are so deserving. Thank you for you words, smiles and support in my blogging infancy. A True Diamond!

  2. Congratulations to you! Very much deserved. Thank you for sharing more about you. I liked what you said… “most “crazy” people are simply the ones who got a little too close to reality at some point.” Oh yeah baby… don’t I know it. I know you know I know it. 🙂 And thank you for nominating me, that is so very kind of you to think of me. Your words about me massaged my heart. Love to you!

  3. What a fascinating list. So many things I want to hear more about– the going crazy part especially since I lost it too once, after my second was born. Congrats to you on your awards and thank you so much for nominating me and for introducing me to these great blogs. I am in such good company today– Thank you!

  4. Brandy,

    As you know, I was away for a while. When I came back, I saw your message but- like you- have an awkward way with compliments or praise. Still, I came here and your description of me and my work leaves me kind of “breathless.”

    I must tell you, at the risk of putting you off kilter, that in our few interactions I have felt a sense of energy rising up from your words. You must fill a room with your presence, as you fill a page with your strong sense of self. To encounter you is an experience.

    And about the “going crazy” thing, for some time I have believed that the only thing that separates most people from insanity is that they somehow see things through a haze, evading that clear and full vision of what is, that unbearably clear sense of things as they are. One way that I understand my own journey is to see it as a struggle to be fully present and aware and yet avoid that pit. The Zen teachings, the Tao, meditation, these have all been important pieces. But so too the sense of connection I am feeling with people who struggle as well- precious people- you.

    Now I fear that we are each falling off our bikes, so I’ll stop and just say to you- thank you for the great kindness.


    • Thomas Ross,

      Your purity of perception, met with such profound insight and rarest humility, kind of blow me away. Completely, actually; you pause from your world to extend this deep, electrifying connection of spirit, and I’m doubled over in the absorption of your wavelength.

      My, how sweet it is.

      I receive your reflections and keen perceptions and beautiful reactions to my own with the humblest of gratitude, awe, and pure pure joy.

      Thank you, kind soul. You’re good people.

  5. Congratulations on your Award
    there are simply thousands of these
    around WP but for those that enjoy
    them it is a pleasing appreciation
    of one’s work and that is something
    very nice to receive 🙂

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